Where’s My 2024 Pennsylvania State Tax Refund?


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Text that reads "Where's My State Tax Refund?" with "Pennsylvania" in large, bold white letters.

Find more information about your Pennsylvania state income taxes below. You can also check your e-filing and refund status for any state.

Where’s my Pennsylvania tax refund?

The Pennsylvania State Department of Revenue is where you can find your PA tax refund status. Check the status of your Pennsylvania tax refund using these resources:

State:  Pennsylvania
Refund Status Website:  Pennsylvania Department of Revenue
Refund Status Phone Support:  1-717-787-8201
General Tax Information:  1-888-PATAXES (24-hour toll-free line)
Special Hearing or Speaking Needs Phone Support: 1-800-447-3020
Online Contact Formhttps://revenue-pa.custhelp.com/
2023 State Tax Filing Deadline:  April 15, 2024

Note: Allow about four weeks to process your Pennsylvania tax return if you e-filed. Please wait at least 8-10 weeks before checking the status of your tax refund for paper-filed returns.

Pennsylvania flat tax rate

The state of Pennsylvania imposes the lowest flat tax rate on taxpayers’ income among the 50 different states. A flat tax means, regardless of income level or e-, all individuals pay the same percentage of income tax on their and other sources of income. In Pennsylvania, that rate is 3.07%.

While it may seem taxes are relatively low for the taxpayers in Pennsylvania, certain flexibilities are not available to them. For example, taxpayers cannot claim a standard deduction or a personal exemption for dependents.

A taxpayer can itemize deductions on their Pennsylvania state return, but those are constrained to only three different options. Only the following are deductible from Pennsylvania income:

  • Contributions made to health savings account
  • Contributions made to medical savings account
  • Contributions made to 529 college savings plan

Pennsylvania local income tax

Another anomaly in Pennsylvania is the collection of local income tax in municipalities. Known as the Local Earned Income Tax, the rate can be anywhere from 1-4% depending on the size of the city.

Where’s My State Refund? Check Your e-Filing Status in Every State.

This article is for informational purposes only and not legal or financial advice.
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