Where’s My 2025 New Mexico State Tax Refund?

Find more information about your New Mexico state income taxes below.

Where’s my New Mexico ?

Check the status of your New Mexico refund using these resources:

State: New Mexico
Refund Status Website: Taxation and Revenue New Mexico
Refund Status Phone Support: 1-866-285-2996
General Information: 1-505-827-0700
Online Contact Form: http://www.tax.newmexico.gov/contact-us.aspx
2024 State Deadline: April 15, 2025 (or April 30, 2025, for those who e-file and pay any taxes due electronically)

Note: Please wait at least 6 to 8 weeks for your refund to be processed for e-filed returns before calling the Department. For paper-filed returns, allow 8 to 12 weeks.

New Mexico tax brackets

Here is a look at the 2024 income tax brackets in the state of New Mexico based on filing status:

Tax RateSingle Filers / Estates and TrustsMarried Filing SeparatelyMarried Filing Jointly / Head of Household / Surviving Spouse
1.7%Up to $5,500Up to $4,000Up to $8,000
5.9%Over $210,000Over $157,500Over $315,000

New Mexico tax and credits

Many of the rules that apply to taxpayer income in New Mexico on a state level are similar to the federal income tax rules, especially when it comes to itemized and standard deductions. Like the federal standard deduction, New Mexico’s standard deduction varies depending on the filer type. Any local and state taxes that the residents of New Mexico pay cannot be deducted from the total taxable income.

New Mexico offers an Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), also known as the Working Families Tax Credit, worth up to 25% of the federal EITC, in tax year 2024. If you owe federal taxes and you’re eligible for the state EITC, the amount of the state credit you can claim will be reduced by the amount of federal credit that applies to your federal taxes.

New Mexico also offers a fully refundable Child Tax Credit worth anywhere from $25-$600 per child depending on the taxpayer’s income. Taxpayers in New Mexico can also claim the state’s fully refundable Child and Dependent Care Credit (CDCC) worth 40% of qualifying expenses (as defined under the federal CDCC). To claim this credit, your modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) must be $30,160 or less. 

Need To Find Your State Refund? Check Your Filing Status in Every State.

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TaxAct: TaxAct is the savvy tax-filing partner helping ambitious Americans work the tax code to their advantage. TaxAct's do-it-yourself digital and downloadable products help customers find every tax break they deserve by finding them credits and deductions they may have never known existed.
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