Tax Reciprocity: How to File Taxes When You Live and Work in Different States

Do you live in one state and work in another? Don’t sweat it — this is fairly common, and your taxes don’t have to be complicated thanks to reciprocal tax agreements (reciprocity).

What does tax reciprocity mean?

Reciprocity agreements between two states allow you to live in one state and work in nearby state while only paying taxes to the state in which you live. This means the state where you work generally should not withhold any state or local taxes from your paychecks.

For example, if you live in Wisconsin and work in Illinois, you are only responsible for Wisconsin taxes and you can file an exemption from withholding Illinois state taxes.

What is the purpose of reciprocal agreements?

By claiming an exemption for the nonresident state you work in, you only need to file one state (for the state in which you live).

If you don’t claim an exemption in the neighboring state where you work, you’ll have to file a tax return in both states.

If the state you live in does not have a tax reciprocity agreement, you will not necessarily be taxed twice. You will generally need to file a tax return for both states and may be able to claim a tax credit for taxes paid in your work state.

How do I make sure my wages are exempt from withholding in a reciprocal agreement state?

You will typically need to fill out a withholding exemption certificate and give it to your employer to keep on file for you.

We list the exemption forms you’ll need for each reciprocal state in a table down below.

Do all states have reciprocity?

No, not all states have reciprocal tax agreements, even if they share a border. If your state does not offer reciprocity, you will report all received in both states on your state’s tax return. Your home state may then allow you to claim a credit for the net income tax paid in your work state.

On the flip side, if you work in a non-reciprocal state with a lower income tax rate than the state where you live, you may end up owing taxes to your resident state when you file your state income tax return.

Which states have tax reciprocity agreements?

Here are all the states that offer reciprocal agreements to their residents (and their corresponding withholding exemption forms):

If you work in… And live in… File form
Arizona California, Indiana, Oregon, Virginia Form WEC
Illinois Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Wisconsin Form IL-W-5-NR
Indiana Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin Form WH-47
Iowa Illinois Form IA 44-106
Kentucky Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin Form 42A809
Maryland District of Columbia (D.C.), Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia Form MW507
Michigan Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin Form MI-W4
Minnesota Michigan, North Dakota Form MWR
Montana North Dakota Form MW-4
New Jersey Pennsylvania Form NJ-165
North Dakota Minnesota, Montana Form NDW-R
Ohio Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Pennsylvania, West Virginia Form IT-4NR
Pennsylvania Indiana, Maryland, New Jersey, Ohio, Virginia, West Virginia Form REV-419
Virginia D.C., Kentucky, Maryland, Pennsylvania, West Virginia Form VA-4
Washington, D.C. All non-residents working in D.C. can claim exemption Form D-4A
West Virginia Kentucky, Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia Form WV/IT-104
Wisconsin Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan Form W-220
This article is for informational purposes only and not legal or financial advice.
Meghen Ponder: Meghen Ponder is an editorial writer for TaxAct who specializes in writing content about finance and taxes. She enjoys decoding the intricacies of the tax world and helping others answer their tax questions.
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