Your Options for Health Insurance Coverage

Did you know unpaid medical bills are one of the leading causes of personal bankruptcy in the United States?

If you’re self-employed or own a business, your health plays an especially crucial role in your financial well-being and security. That’s why having health insurance coverage is one of the smartest moves you can make.

Still looking for coverage? Here are your options.

Full health insurance coverage.

You may be able to apply for health insurance if you have a Qualifying Life Event. That is a change that affects the type or amount of insurance you need, such as a family status change like marriage, divorce, birth or the adoption of a child. It can also include substantial changes to your income or a move to a new area.

Short-term insurance.

If you are not eligible to apply for full insurance, your best option is to enroll in a short-term health plan. That’ll ensure you have at least some protection against medical costs if you have a significant illness or injury.

Plans are usually very affordable. You can also get approved and have coverage reasonably quickly.

It can be tricky to figure out which health insurance is right for you. Fortunately, there is a multitude of resources available to help you navigate the options and find what you need. Check out healthcare.gov to get started.

TaxAct: TaxAct is the savvy tax-filing partner helping ambitious Americans work the tax code to their advantage. TaxAct's do-it-yourself digital and downloadable products help customers find every tax break they deserve by finding them credits and deductions they may have never known existed.
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